While also completely ignoring who that character is.
While also completely ignoring who that character is.
HeroForge is not really designed for this but it's too much fun. I'll probably never finish it, I've done Nate and Chloe and I'll do Nadine next (for a 2-person figure with Chloe) then Elena and Sully and Sam. Probably.
Let me paint you a word picture. You’re the biggest, baddest thing in town. There’s not a grunt or mini-boss or named enemy that can stand against you. You’ve flattened more bad dudes than you can remember and you’re overleveled to hell. Well, not in this cutscene you aren’t. You might have spent the rest of the game kicking ass and taking names but stories usually require ups and downs so despite being a bonafide hero all it takes is a cutscene to get your character critically wounded, all of a sudden missing all their shots, or watching a loved one die. The latter of which is especially weird when you factor in games that give you healing and resurrection spells, ultimately undermining the narrative significance of death and injury. This happens a lot in Uncharted where Nathan Drake romps through random soldiers for the whole game but when facing off against the antagonist, totally loses the ability to be a competent fighter. Pile on top of this the fights where you’re scripted to lose and it's a big ball of cliches we’re totally sick of seeing. If you’re going to die in a video game, you better hope you do it in gameplay and not during a cutscene.
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What was your hardest puzzle you have ever encountered in any uncharted games and how long it took to beat?
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Please request Sony and the Uncharted Movie creators to release this scene and Chloe's alternate farewell scene to Nate where she says "Well played Nate". This makes their relationship much more interesting, similar to Batman and Catwoman, since it shows that despite their rivalry, they love each other. When you watch parts of the movie, you can tell that some scenes were reshot to abruptly cut out the love story scenes (e.g The scene where Nate and Sully have some gold on the helicopter was a reshoot) and pieces of this love story are left in the movie e.g Sully saying to Nate that he still had feelings for Chloe before they boarded Moncada's plane.
The Uncharted movie was pretty good despite its flaws and I'm looking forward to a sequel. Personally I think that some of the currently released deleted scenes have actually improved the movie, due to adding more character development i.e Nate and Chloe Balcony scene, Alternate first meeting between Nate and Sully, Nate and Sully in car, Braddock trying to shoot Sully( link to deleted scenes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVjh25BRRHo&ab_channel=Cinevizual)
After doing research, I've found that there are more deleted scenes that haven't been released
Example 1 - A scene where Nate and Chloe kiss at the beach resort and her alternate goodbye to him where she says "Well played Nate". Since Nate and Chloe's kiss was in Chapter 18 of the Uncharted Movie Novelization and a test audience saw the Nate and Chloe love story, the kiss scene was clearly in the film.
Example 2 - Apparently there were also several scenes between Nate and Sully focusing on their friendship that haven't been released ( a link for the article proving this - https://www.8days.sg/entertainment/hollywood/uncharted-director-ruben-fleischer-interview-596216 ). e.g A scene from Chapter 7 of the book where Sully warns Nate about what greed does to people which was apparently in a TV Spot
Example 3 - The director Ruben Fleischer claims that the movie was over 2 hours long originally in this interview between (4:42 - 5:58) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kavsLCtoahI&ab_channel=ColliderInterviews
A lot of fans have responded very positively to the deleted scenes released so far(Check Youtube Comments and Tweets for Uncharted deleted scene clips) and this could get them excited for a sequel. The Uncharted Movie is more deserving of an extended cut than Spider-Man No Way Home(which is a great film), since some unreleased deleted scenes and released deleted scenes being put back into the film would greatly improve the character development(e.g Return of the King extended cut, Zack Synders Justice League, Daredevil 2003 Extended cut etc ). Even just releasing more deleted scenes would be amazing.
If enough people could contact Sony by Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc to request more deleted scenes to be released or maybe even an extended edition, we can make this happen, similar to Sonic getting redesigned. I can't do this alone.
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