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Boosters are a means of gaining an advantage (or disadvantage if it is a Badge of Honor) in a multiplayer match.

Boosters have to be bought from the multiplayer store, and can only be bought after reaching a certain level. Players can only equip two Boosters at one time, one in slot 1 (upper) and one in slot 2 (lower).

When the player reaches level 51 (stylized in game as the Roman numeral I), they can purchase badges of honor. These are special boosters which give the player a disadvantage in a match. However, for every five kills a player gets while a badge of honor is equipped, they earn a medal worth a substantial amount of money.

Upper slot[]

Booster Effect Price Level Image
Point and Shoot Increases pistol blindfire accuracy. $2,000 Level 2 Point and Shoot
From the Hip Increases long gun blindfire accuracy. $5,000 Level 6 From the Hip
Break Up Increased damage to breakable objects. $11,250 Level 10 Break Up
Down the Irons Better accuracy when aiming long guns. $18,750 Level 14 Down the Irons
Hell Blazer Move faster with the GAU - 19. $27,750 Level 18 Hell Blazer
Turtle Move faster with the riot shield. $40,500 Level 22 Turtle
Sure Shot Better accuracy when aiming pistols. $64,500 Level 30 Sure Shot
Walk Softly Silent movement. $79,500 Level 34 Walk Softly
Juggler Faster pistol reloading. $94,500 Level 38 Juggler
Rapid Hands Faster long-gun reloading. $111,000 Level 42 Rapid Hands
Situational Awareness When standing still, press the up button to see nearby enemies through walls. $129,000 Level 46 Situational Awareness
Evasion Immunity to the Situational Awareness booster. $210,000 Level 50 Evasion
Veiled No blindfire reticle. Gives 10,000 dollars per five blindfire kills while equipped. (Does not work with the M32 Hammer, RPG - 7, Pistole, or shotguns) $300,000 Level 51 Veiled
Invalid Half health. Gives 20,000 dollars per five kills while equipped.  $350,000 Level 52 Invalid
Glass Jaw Take double damage from hand-to-hand attacks. Gives 15,000 dollars per five kills while equipped. $1,500,000 Level 57 Glass Jaw

Lower slot[]

Booster Effect Price Level Image
Bandoleer Carry more ammo. $2,000 Level 4 Bandoleer
Scavenger Get more ammo from each pickup. $8,250 Level 8 Scavenger
Keep Firing More bullets in each clip $14,250 Level 12 Keep Firing
Fleet Foot Move faster while aiming. $23,250 Level 16 Fleet Foot
Explosive Expert Carry an extra grenade. $32,250 Level 20 Explosive Expert
Treasure Bearer Move faster with the treasure. $43,500 Level 24 Treasure Bearer
Sure Foot No knockdown from explosions. $52,500 Level 26 Sure Foot
Launch Man Increased M32 - Hammer ammo capacity. $58,500 Level 28 Launch Man
Monkey Man Climb faster. $72,000 Level 32 Monkey Man
Scoped In Reduced pain wobble while scoped in. $87,000 Level 36 Scoped In
Deposit Earn more money for objective medals. $98,250 Level 40 Deposit
Rocket Man Increased RPG - 7 ammo capacity. $120,000 Level 44 Rocket Man
Revenge Drop a live grenade upon death, provided that you are carrying one. $134,250 Level 48 Revenge
Half Loaded 1/2 number of bullets in each clip. Gives 12,500 dollars per five kills while equipped. $400,000 Level 54 Half Loaded
Come Get Some Nearby enemies see your name through walls. Gives 25,000 dollars per five kills while equipped. $2,000,000 Level 58 Come Get Some