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Boosters are a means of gaining an advantage in the multiplayer mode of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.


The booster system has had a few additions from its Uncharted 2: Among Thieves counterpart. This time around, boosters are able to be leveled up and with each level its effect will be enhanced. The way to level up boosters are by getting medals related to its effect, every booster can only be leveled up three times, with their levels being called Bronze (default), Silver and Gold. Each level increases the amount of medals to be gotten, or in some cases it can change the medal needed.

List of boosters[]


Slot 1[]

Booster Effect Upgrade Rank
Come Here
Level 1 - See the enemy that killed you if they're within a short distance until they die Retaliation * 15
Retaliation * 45
Level 2 - The distance you can see your opponent is increased
Level 3 - The distance you can see your opponent is increased significantly
Level 1 - Decrease sprint recovery time Sunday Stroll * 5
Marathon Runner * 12
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 with increased sprint duration
Level 3 - Sprint recovery time is decreased further
Kickback Endurance
Kickback Endurance
Level 1 - Increase Medal Kickback duration by a short length of time Three Kickback King * 8
Three Kickback King * 24
Level 2 - The amount of time added is increased
Level 3 - The amount of time added is increased significantly
Let Me See
Level 1 - After two or more deaths with no kills you see all opponents for a short time Avenger * 15
Avenger * 45
Level 2 - The duration for which you see opponents is increased
Level 3 - The duration for which you see opponents is increased significantly
Scoped In
​Level 1 - Reduced pain wobble while scoped in The Long Ranger * 8
The Long Ranger * 24
Level 2 - Pain wobble is reduced further
Level 3 - No pain wobble while scoped in
Level 1 - Opponents will not see your player arrow and you are difficult to hear Assassin * 5
Assassin * 15
Level 2 - You become even more difficult to hear.
Level 3 - You make no sound while moving and also become immune to disruption
Fleet Foot
Level 1 - Move faster while aiming Commando * 10
Commando * 30
Level 2 - The speed you move while aiming is increased
Level 3 - The speed you move while aiming is increased significantly
Ammo Award
Ammo Award Booster
Level 1 - Receive additional ammo for every Commando or Gunslinger medal you get Streak * 3
Streak * 9
Level 2 - The ammo you receive is increased
Level 3 - The ammo you receive is increased significantly
Level 1 - Decrease Medal Kickback cost by 1 Three Kickback King * 10
Three Kickback King * 30
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 and always show the color gold when activating a kickback
Level 3 - The decrease in Medal Kickback costs is changed to 2
Team Safe
Team Safe
Level 1 - Explosives do not knock you down and teammates only receive 1/2 damage from your explosives High Five * 15
High Five * 45
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1, but teammates receive no damage from your explosives
Level 3 - The effects of Levels 2 and teammates do not get knocked down from your explosives.
Weapon Expert
Weapon Expert
Level 1 - Add one additional MOD slot to all pistols. Gunslinger * 8
Triple Threat * 15
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 and quickly swap between your pistol and long gun
Level 3 - The effects of Level two and add one additional MOD slot to all long guns
Sugar Buddy
Sugar Buddy
Receive a quarter of the cash your buddy earns 20
Booty Buddy
Booty Buddy
Get rewards from chests when your buddy does 30
Thanks Buddy
Thanks Buddy
Get a medal for every 3 your buddy earns 40
Out of Breath
Out of Breath
Sprint recovery time and duration are significantly slower

Gives an additional 100% cash per kill

Legacy 1
Flat Footed
Flat Footed
Move significantly slower while aiming

Gives an additional 150% cash per kill

Legacy 1
Slow Healing
Slow Healing
Health regeneration is significantly slowed

Gives an additional 100% cash per kill

Legacy 2
Fewer Grenades
Fewer Grenades
Your ability to carry grenades is reduced

Gives an additional 200% cash per kill

Legacy 2

Slot 2[]

Booster Effects Upgrade Rank
Power Hunter
Power Hunter
Level 1 - See the location of Power Weapons within a short distance Power Killer * 7
Power Killer * 21
Level 2 - The distance you see Power Weapons is increased
Level 3 - The distance you see Power Weapons is increased significantly
Level 1 - Taunt over the body of an opponent you've killed to receive a clip of ammo In Your Face * 5
In Your Face * 15
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 and you also receive a grenade
Level 3 - The amount of ammo you receive is increased to two clips
Beast Mode
Beast ModeU3
Level 1 - Move faster with heavy objects Captured * 12
Captured * 36
Level 2 - The speed you move with heavy objects is increased
Level 3 - The speed you move with heavy objects is increased significantly
Monkey Man
Monkey Man
Level 1 - Move faster while climbing Pull Down * 8
Pull Down * 24
Level 2 - Climb speed is increased
Level 3 - Climb speed is increased significantly
Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter U3boosters
Level 1 - You have a better chance to receive treasures from chests Acquisitions * 5
Acquisitions * 15
Level 2 - The chance to receive a treasure is increased
Level 3 - The chance to receive a treasure is increased significantly
Level 1 - You receive more money from medals Expansionist * 5
Expansionist * 15
Level 2 - The money received is increased
Level 3 - The money received is increased significantly
Level 1 - Recover from wounds faster Lucky... * 10
Lucky... * 30
Level 2 - Recovery speed is increased
Level 3 - Recovery speed is increased significantly
Back in the Saddle
Back in the Saddle
Level 1 - Respawn time reduced by 2 seconds Three Medal Pickup * 12
Three Medal Pickup * 36
Level 2 - Respawn time reduced by 3 seconds
Level 3 - Respawn time reduced by 4 seconds
Explosive Shell Expert
Level 1 - Increase M32 - Hammer ammo by 1 Fire In The Hole * 5
Fire In The Hole * 15
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 and increase RPG - 7 ammo by 1
Level 3 - The amount of additional M32 - Hammer ammo increased to 2
Level 1 - Drop a live grenade upon death if you have one available Afterlife * 10
Afterlife * 30
Level 2 - Always drop a live grenade upon death
Level 3 - The effects of Level 2, or drop an active Medal Kickback grenade if one is available
Explosive Expert
Level 1 - Start every match with an additional grenade slot Frag 'Em * 8
Frag 'Em * 24
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 and spawn with an additional grenade when killed by one
Level 3 - Start every match with two extra grenade slots and spawn with an additional grenade when killed by one
For My Buddy
For My Buddy
See the location of the opponent that killed your buddy until they die 20
Stealth Buddy
Stealth Buddy
Fill your Medal Kickback when your buddy gets a stealth kill 30
Explosive Buddy
Explosive Buddy
Get a grenade for each of your buddy's explosive kills 40
Extra Kickback Cost
Extra Kickback Costs
Medal Kickbacks cost 4 more to use

Gives an additional 150% cash per kill

Legacy 1
Small Pockets
Small Pockets
You spawn with significantly less ammo

Gives an additional 100% cash per kill

Legacy 1
You have half health

Gives an additional 250% cash per kill

Legacy 2
No Power Weapons
No Power Weapons
You can't pick up power weapons

Gives an additional 200% cash per kill

Legacy 2

Slot 3[]

A third booster is granted in competitive if one uses a character skin coupled with both that character's special long gun and pistol:

  • Drake - Drake's Skin + Drake's AK + Drake's Para 9 = Explosive Buddy
  • Sully - Sully's Skin + Sully's Dragon + Sully's Arm Micro = For My Buddy
  • Elena - Elena's Skin + Elena's G-MAL + Elena's Raffica = Thanks Buddy
  • Chloe - Chloe's Skin + Chloe's M9 + Chloe's Tau = For My Buddy
  • Marlowe - Marlowe's Skin + Marlowe's M9 + Marlowe's Para 9 = Sugar Buddy
  • Talbot - Talbot's Skin + Talbot's FAL-SS + Talbot's Arm Micro = Stealth Buddy
  • Rameses - Rameses' Skin + Rameses' KAL-7 + Rameses' Raffica = Booty Buddy


Slot 1[]

Booster Effects Upgrade
Level 1 - Decrease sprint recovery time Punch Out * 12
Punch Out * 36
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 with increased sprint duration
Level 3 - Sprint recovery time is decreased further
Beast Mode
Beast ModeU3
​Level 1 - Move faster with heavy objects Wild West * 12
Wild West * 36
Level 2 - The speed you move with heavy objects is increased
Level 3 - The speed you move with heavy objects is increased significantly
Scoped In
​Level 1 - Reduce pain wobble while scoped in Dead Eye * 8
Dead Eye * 24
Level 2 - Pain wobble is reduced further
Level 3 - No pain wobble while scoped in
Fleet Foot
Level 1 - Move faster while aiming Long Gun Fever * 15
Long Gun Fever * 45
Level 2 - The speed you move while aiming is increased
Level 3 - The speed you move while aiming is increased significantly
​Level 1 - Recover from wounds faster Medic * 12
Medic * 36
Level 2 - Recovery speed is increased
Level 3 - Recovery speed is increased significantly
Explosive Expert
Level 1 - Start every match with an additional grenade slot Mad Bomber * 5
Mad Bomber * 15
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 and spawn with an additional grenade when killed by one
Level 3 - Start every match with two extra grenade slots and spawn with an additional grenade when killed by one

Slot 2[]

Booster Effects Upgrade
Monkey Man
Monkey Man
Level 1 - Move faster while climbing Tricky Boy * 8
Tricky Boy * 24
Level 2 - Climb speed is increased
Level 3 - Climb speed is increased significantly
Kickback Endurance
Kickback Endurance
Level 1 - Increase Medal Kickback duration by a short length of time Hot Potato * 5
Hot Potato * 15
Level 2 - The amount of time added is increased
Level 3 - The amount of time added is increased significantly
Back in the Saddle
Back in the Saddle
Level 1 - Respawn time reduced by 2 seconds If It Bleeds... * 2
If It Bleeds... * 6
Level 2 - Respawn time reduced by 4 seconds
Level 3 - Respawn time reduced by 6 seconds
Level 1 - Medal Kickback limit increased by 3 Covert Ops * 8
Covert Ops * 24
Level 2 - Medal Kickback limit increased by 4
Level 3 - Medal Kickback limit increased by 6
Level 1 - Decrease Medal Kickback cost by 1 In The Soft Spot * 5
In The Soft Spot * 15
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1 and always show the color gold when activating a kickback
Level 3 - The decrease in Medal Kickback costs is changed to 2
Team Safe
Team Safe
Level 1 - Explosives do not knock you down and teammates only receive half damage from your explosives Let 'Em Go * 12
Let 'Em Go * 36
Level 2 - The effects of Level 1, but teammates receive no damage from your explosives
Level 3 - The effects of Level 2, and teammates do not get knocked down from your explosives
Ammo Award
Ammo Award Booster
Level 1 - Receive additional ammo for every Long Gun Fever or Wild West medal you get Head Cracker * 8
Head Cracker * 24
Level 2 - The ammo you receive is increased
Level 3 - The ammo you receive is increased significantly