Shambhala, also known as Shangri-La, is a mythical city featured in Among Thieves. It has a near-tropical climate despite its hidden location within the Himalayas, and contains the largely dilapidated ruins of a past civilization. It harbors the fabled Cintamani Stone, as well as the Tree of Life, and is thoroughly defended by the guardians, the remnants of the original inhabitants.
"The Lost City" is a multiplayer map based on the city ruins within the "Broken Paradise" chapter.
Little is known about the history of the city. It is likely that the civilization that inhabited it were natives of ancient Tibet. Its fixed geographical position within the mountains would have made it easily defendable from warring nations. The Tree of Life within the heart of the city became a place of pilgrimage for the sick and afflicted. This, coupled with the tropical climate and ample water supply, allowed its inhabitants to thrive. It is unknown how the population of the city collapsed and eventually, the city was abandoned. Over the numerous years it lay undiscovered, it became a legend to the modern world only to be discovered by a handful of explorers including Marco Polo, Karl Schäfer, and then finally by Nathan Drake along with his friends and foes.
The site that would become Shambhala was found inside of a vast, and expansive river valley hidden within the Himalayas. Based upon the lush forest and the lack of warm clothing on the guardians within the valley. The valley was home to a great deal of geological activity. Which allowed it to stay warm, and promote jungle growth. As well as allowing animals such as blue grandala’s, and possibly others to survive. It is also worth noting that the valley was home to valuable materials such as gold. As most, if not all of the buildings are endowed with some form of gold material incorporated in them.
City ruins[]
Once a thriving and revered land of fortune. Now has become a tortured landscape ruled by monsters, and flora. Much of the city has become overgrown with moss, plant-life, and roots from the tree of life. A bridge of stone and gold hundreds of feet tall connects the center of the city to the entrance. Allowing clear and relatively quick entry to the tree of life, and the Cintamani stone. A vast variety of the buildings have gold spires, and Tibetan prayer flags connected to various buildings, and atop pathways. Judging by layout and design of the city. People lived peacefully together, helping each other when needed, and praying fervently for the “gift” of the stone. A stone made of amber that was produced from the tree of life. Which had connections all over the city, and the valley itself.
Cintamani Stone temple[]
A revered natural formation and considered one of the most holy regions in the world by the people of Shambhala. Here resides the fossilized Cintamani stone. A light aqua blue amalgamation of amber inside of a tree that was revered by all. It can be assumed judging by the pool’s healing properties, and the amount of time needed to craft such an ornate city. The pool was most likely used sparingly to heal citizens and increase their longevity. Evident by the worship of the stone, and the legends surrounding it.
Tree of Life area[]
Behind the Scene[]
"Shambhala" is originally a Tibetan Buddhist legend of a natural sanctuary isolated from the outside world. Its concept has been popularized by popular literature and movies such as Lost Horizon. In some iterations, it is a biologically self-sustained cave.